
The Adventure Game: Leaving the Party Early

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Kereth-Midknight's avatar

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They say the fastest route between two points is a straight line, and you've always been handy with a ruler.

You kick your legs hard, working with everything you have to reach that gate as soon as humanely possible. The distance vanishes in a heartbeat, and before you know it, you're beyond the walls of the city with plenty of time to spare.

Easy, right?

Too easy.  Your sudden retreat attracted attention, and your quick exit left plenty of time for those who would follow to escape the closing gates as well. It turns out being too fast can work against you. You turn over the shoulder to see the gates seal the path behind, but not before a large, particularly nasty looking orc has a chance to slip out after you.

He looks to be ready for a fight. Does he just have a chip on his shoulder, or is your escape a tactical concern? They took this city in a surprise attack. They may be loathe to go missing the chance to do it again, simply because they let one little adventurer get away to warn the surrounding settlements. Then again, maybe he's just cranky.

Whatever the reason, he is determined to see you fall here. Bringing his blade around, he gives a fearsome yell, then lunges toward you, ready to bring you down hard.

You stand together at the base of the wall. The orc is armed with hard leather armor and a medium shield, as well as an orcish shortsword. What's more, he is not only better armed and armored, but he looks to be larger and better trained than most you've seen so far. This will not be an easy battle. His leather armor reduces his vulnerability by two, and his shield does the same. The sword is of the classic orcish variety which you may have seen elsewhere, bearing a short blade with a spike near the back, stylish and cheap to produce but largely inferior, dealing 1d6 damage with each stroke without providing other bonuses. He seems lightly wounded, but nothing that will bother him too badly, and he attacks with reckless abandon, fighting with power at the expense of accuracy and finesse. If he lands a hit against you, it will hurt, but his chances of landing that hit are below the average.

The orc's statistics are as follows:

Level: 3
Hp: 16
Damage taken: 1
Vulnerability: 6 (10 without armor or shield)
Hit bonus: 0
Damage bonus: 6

When the fight is finished, either from one of you being defeated or your choosing not to battle, click below according to the outcome.

If you defeated the orc, click here:…
If the orc defeated you, click here:…
If you decided to flee, click here: [link forthcoming, please stand by]
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